Principal’s Desk
Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) is the most important and immediate goal in the area of Elementary education until the adoption of the National Policy Education (NPE). The support in the area of elementary education was being provided largely at the national and state level only by institutions like NCERT, NUEPA and SCERTs. Therefore the NPE and POA envisaged addition of a third-district level-tier to the support system in the shape of District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETs). Thus DIETs were born with expectation of wider quantitative coverage as well as quantitatively better support to the field.
In Assam, DIETs were formed in the year 1989 initially in 6 districts and later on phase wise DIETs were established in other districts also. DIET Nagaon was the 1st –phase DIET, i.e. established in 1989 in the campus of Basic Training Centre, Samaguri. Since its very inception DIET, Nagaon has been showing remarkable achievements both in academic and non-academic fields.
Academic Achievements at a Glance:
- Successful competition of various training programmes both the induction level and at continuing varieties since the year, 1989.
- Providing ‘Resource Support’ and guidance in the form of Module preparation for SCERT, SSA attending DACG, BACG meetings, Textbook preparation, delivering lectures on diverse topics.
- Imparting training on development, preparation and proper use of Teaching Learning Materials (TLM) both at low-cost and no-cost variety.
- Successful completion of Action Research on different small practical problems generally arise in the classroom by faculties of DIET.
- A regular work of DIET is to run 2-years D.El.Ed. Course. Several batches of brilliant students have already completed the course and it indicates reinforcement of qualitative training to transfer the competencies to the next generation.
- Liberal and spontaneous transformation of the traditional passive methods are practised by the in-service trainees into activity and competency based methods to make teaching-learning process a quality oriented goal.
- Lab area has been demarcated for academic research and relevant works to be executed by the faculty members for upliftment of the entire school environment.
- The remarkable result of school support visit through positive interaction with lecturers and constructive suggestions.
- The greatest achievements of the DIET are in bringing about an overwhelming awareness among the teachers and the community to pave the way for ‘Quality Oriented’ education from the grass-root level.
Non-academic Achievements at a Glance:
It can be marked out especially in 2 sides- Community participation through motivating programmes like Shishu-Mela, organizing social service camps, field trips etc. and through frequent organization of competitions, exhibitions, resource mobilization etc. The DIET has been successful in eliciting positive and immediate response from the community at large.
I wish the success of DIET, Nagaon, Samaguri.
With Thanks & Regards
(Indrani Borgohain)
Principal, i/c
DIET, Nagaon, Samaguri (Assam)