* Provided pre-service training to teacher trainees, including all latest trends in the field of education.
* Encourage research base activities like action research and case studies of teacher trainees and teacher educators of the district.
* Organize seminars on various subjects in which provision is given to teacher trainees and teacher educators of other institutions.
* Provide training to Teacher Educators in tune with the changes take place in the curriculum and instructional strategies of Teacher Training .
* Equip teachers in primary section, to plan and execute learning activities, integrating the competencies in work experience and core-subjects, through teacher training.
* Develop materials, to transact curricular objectives of work experience.
* Impart awareness classes and practical trainings to work experience teachers in connection with revised curriculum, teaching learning materials and new approach of teaching work experience.
* To assist educational authorities in planning and co-ordination of in-service education programmes for elementary teachers throughout the district, and to plan and co-ordinate such programmes held in the DIET.
# to identify training needs of elementary teachers in the district, and prepare a perspective plan for meeting such needs.
# to prepare an annual calendar of all programmes to be held in the DIET, and
# to help concerned authorities in preparing an annual calendar of inservice programmes to be held outside the DIET.
* Empower the teachers on the effective utilization of the successful findings of the technology world.
* Find out and practice the innovative practices and strategies in the class room, to make learning mastery and effective.
* Organize workshops for preparing learning materials which helps to impart curriculum effectively.
* Conduct Action Research, debates and Seminars related to academic and Administrative matters.
* Adopt, implement and monitor new strategies in the field of evaluation throughout the Districts.
* Take up researches and studies in the field of curriculum, instructional strategies and evaluation.
* Analyse the existing curriculum, Text books, Hand books and other learning materials which used in the primary and secondary level.
* Prepare materials for all subjects up to secondary level which smoothes the teaching learning process.